The Power of Wearing The Cross

It is important that all believers of faith to order and wear it to be seen, the one of a kind, Spiritually Inscribed Cross. For it will:

1. Present to everyone that you are a committed/proud Christian a follower of Jesus and adhere to His Biblical Teachings.
2. Provide one with a feeling of oneness with the protective powers of The Trinity of God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
3. Allow one to become a modern day disciple of Jesus, The 2nd Adam and spread his message to others.

Symbolism of The Holy Spirit Inscripted Words on The Cross

Truth represents the pathway to God and to His Heavenly Kingdoms Gate…
Order represents the light/enlightenment provided by God along one’s pathway to see and avoid the obstacles and chaos that will impede one’s journey’s…
Love represents the daily fuel we receive to strengthen us and others with the Love from God…
The outer band/circle represents God who always existed with no beginning and no end…
The inner cross represents that of Jesus, who died painfully for forgiveness of our sins, providing a pathway for our salvation and to God’s Heavenly Kingdoms Gate…
The inner space represents the invisible air/universe space and of The Holy Spirit who connects us to Jesus and to the Will of God.